ContentRobot is pleased to announce the iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme!

Bitten by the iPhone bug (of course, we have ours!), we were inspired to create a plugin & theme that would allow iPhone visitors to optimally view WordPress blogs. The plugin & theme specially formats your WordPress blog, so iPhone viewers quickly see your content without zooming or jumping through hoops.

Note: it’s early beta release (v0.1) and provides only basic WordPress functionality at the outset, but look for updates and enhancements along the way.

What It Does

The iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone. It detects the iPhone’s User Agent and servers up the content with the special theme only to iPhone visitors, all other browsers will view your WordPress blog with your current theme.

While the iPhone does an amazing job of displaying web pages the way they were designed to be seen, often visitors want quick access to your website’s content. The “iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme” displays an optimized version of your blog’s content, formatted perfectly to fit the iPhone’s screen – no zooming in to read the content is necessary.


  • Formats your blog content for optimized viewing on the iPhone.
  • Automatically detects the iPhone’s Safari browser and only displays the custom theme to iPhone visitors, other visitors get your standard theme.
  • Simple iPhone-like theme with common interface elements that compliments the iPhone’s internal applications.

Go Get It

Read more about the iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme and download it today!